Welcome to GCG!
In the following, we want to show you how to install GCG on your Linux or Mac computer.
Note that GCG cannot be installed on Windows out of the box. If you only have a Windows computer, please see Windows Installation Guide for more information.
As a user, you should perform anTo get started, check out our Getting started page and the rest of the User's Guide. If you want to use more of the features of GCG, you can also proceed to the first few Use Cases of GCG. There you will find guides to working with GCG with illustrative examples that also point out why to use GCG in the first place.
If you are an expert and want to install one of the Example Projects, you should also just perform a simple installation.To get started, check out our Getting started page and the rest of the User's Guide, especially the Use Cases of GCG. In addition to the examples that use the features of GCG, you will also find more advanced techniques to analyze (and improve on solving) your problem.
As a scientist, it is most often sufficient to still just do an easy installation, but sometimes you might need to perform a manual one.To get started with experimenting and developing, check out the Developer's Guide next, where you can find information on how GCG works under the hood and in particular how it works in general and together with SCIP such that you can finally start adding your own components, guided by one of our Example Projects.
If you are a developer with Git access and need the current master branch, consult the guide onTo get started with developing or contributing to the core of GCG, check out the GCG Developers Checklist in our Git Wiki first and go through all points mentioned there. Importantly, please go through the Getting Started: Developers' Edition. Often, you will need the guides on adding components and experimenting.
Further Links
If you need to install GCG using arguments, for example if you want to enable parallelization, you can find them under Makefiles Arguments and CMake Arguments respectively. Finally, you should also check out our Compatibility and Known Bugs.