

Branch-and-Price & Column Generation for Everyone

The GCG Cutting

The generation and application of cuts is, among with the pricing, the most important component in solving when using a Branch-and-Price-and-Cut approach, since it can decrease the size of the feasible region significantly and lead to faster finding of the optimal solution.

During the execution of Branch-and-Price-and-Cut, GCG, as the name suggests, also applies cuts. In the following, we will present what separators (which generate cutting planes for your problem) are implemented in GCG, along with some theory and implementational details.

Basic Separator
Master Separator
Subset Row Cuts Separator

In order to create your own separator, please consider SCIP's "How to add" for that. There should be no bigger differences when doing it for GCG specifically.

How to add Separators (SCIP guide)