

Branch-and-Price & Column Generation for Everyone

Hypergraph Partitioning Detector (Rows)

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ID Full Name Propagate Finish Postprocess
r hrgpartition

This detector detects single-bordered structures through graph partitioning on row hypergraphs. This leads to decompositions without linking variables.

Note: This detector needs hmetis and works only under Linux/MacOS, it further needs the Z-shell (zsh) to enforce memory and time limits on hmetis as this is the only shell reliably doing that.

Algorithmic Details

Theoretical Details


                 -->  Should this detector be enabled even the limit nconssnvars is exceeded [FALSE]
                 -->  Limit for sum of nvars and nconss for enabling this detector in default [10000]
alpha                 Factor on how heavy the standard deviation of the coefficients is measured [0.0]
beta                  Factor on how heavy equality (beta) and inequality constraints are measured [0.5]
consWeight            Weight of a constraint hyperedge [5]
consWeightSetppc      Weight for constraint hyperedges that are setpartitioning or covering constraints [5]
dummynodes            Percentage of dummy nodes for metis [0.2]
enabled               flag to indicate whether detector <hrgpartition> is enabled [FALSE]
finishingenabled      flag to indicate whether detector <hrgpartition> is enabled for finishing of incomplete decompositions [FALSE]
freqcallround         frequency the detector gets called in detection loop ,ie it is called in round r if and only if minCallRound <= r <= maxCallRound AND  (r - minCallRound) mod freqCallRound == 0 <hrgpartition> [1]
maxblocks             The maximal number of blocks (detector is called for all block numbers in [minblocks,maxblocks]) [20]
maxcallround          maximum round the detector gets called in detection loop <hrgpartition> [0]
maxnblockcandidates   The maximal number of block number candidates [3]
metisuseptyperb       Should the rb or kway method be used for partitioning by metis [TRUE]
metisverbose          Should the metis output be displayed [FALSE]
minblocks             The minimal number of blocks (detector is called for all block numbers in [minblocks,maxblocks]) [2]
mincallround          minimum round the detector gets called in detection loop <hrgpartition> [0]
origenabled           flag to indicate whether detector <hrgpartition> is enabled for detecting in the original problem [FALSE]
origfreqcallround     frequency the detector gets called in detection loop,i.e., it is called in round r if and only if minCallRound <= r <= maxCallRound AND  (r - minCallRound) mod freqCallRound == 0 <hrgpartition> [1]
origmaxcallround      maximum round the detector gets called in detection loop <hrgpartition> [0]
origmincallround      minimum round the detector gets called in detection loop <hrgpartition> [0]
overruleemphasis      flag to indicate whether emphasis settings for detector <hrgpartition> should be overruled by normal settings [FALSE]
postprocessingenabled flag to indicate whether detector <hrgpartition> is enabled for postprocessing of finished decompositions [FALSE]
priority              priority of detector <hrgpartition> [1000]
randomseed            Random seed for hmetis [1]
realname              Should the problem be used for metis files or a temporary name [FALSE]
skip                  flag to indicate whether detector <hrgpartition> should be skipped if others found decompositions [FALSE]
tidy                  Whether to clean up temporary files [TRUE]
ubfactor              Unbalance factor for metis [5.0]
usefullrecall         flag to indicate whether detector <hrgpartition> should be called on descendants of the current partialdec [TRUE]
varWeight             Weight of a variable hyperedge [1]
varWeightBinary       Weight of a binary variable hyperedge [2]
varWeightContinous    Weight of a continuos variable hyperedge [1]
varWeightImplint      Weight of a implicit integer variable hyperedge [2]
varWeightInteger      Weight of a integer variable hyperedge [2]
