

Branch-and-Price & Column Generation for Everyone

Staircase Detector (Longest-Shortest Path)

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ID Full Name Propagate Finish Postprocess
S staircase_lsp

This detector detects staircase structures in the constraint matrix by searching for the longest shortest path in the row graph of the matrix.

Algorithmic Details

Theoretical Details


enabled               flag to indicate whether detector <staircase_lsp> is enabled [FALSE]
finishingenabled      flag to indicate whether detector <staircase_lsp> is enabled for finishing of incomplete decompositions [FALSE]
freqcallround         frequency the detector gets called in detection loop ,ie it is called in round r if and only if minCallRound <= r <= maxCallRound AND  (r - minCallRound) mod freqCallRound == 0 <staircase_lsp> [1]
maxcallround          maximum round the detector gets called in detection loop <staircase_lsp> [2147483647]
mincallround          minimum round the detector gets called in detection loop <staircase_lsp> [0]
origenabled           flag to indicate whether detector <staircase_lsp> is enabled for detecting in the original problem [FALSE]
origfreqcallround     frequency the detector gets called in detection loop,i.e., it is called in round r if and only if minCallRound <= r <= maxCallRound AND  (r - minCallRound) mod freqCallRound == 0 <staircase_lsp> [1]
origmaxcallround      maximum round the detector gets called in detection loop <staircase_lsp> [2147483647]
origmincallround      minimum round the detector gets called in detection loop <staircase_lsp> [0]
overruleemphasis      flag to indicate whether emphasis settings for detector <staircase_lsp> should be overruled by normal settings [FALSE]
postprocessingenabled flag to indicate whether detector <staircase_lsp> is enabled for postprocessing of finished decompositions [FALSE]
priority              priority of detector <staircase_lsp> [200]
skip                  flag to indicate whether detector <staircase_lsp> should be skipped if others found decompositions [FALSE]
usefullrecall         flag to indicate whether detector <staircase_lsp> should be called on descendants of the current partialdec [FALSE]
