

Branch-and-Price & Column Generation for Everyone

Visualization arguments

On this page, you find all arguments (e.g. the overall time or the pricing calls made) that are parsed by the parsers of the visualization suite.

General Parser

The general parser is the most commonly used one and is e.g. used for the strIPlib pipeline.

In the following, we first present all time arguments and their inclusion. Afterwards, a list of all runtime features contained inside a dataframe. They are also exported when executing the general parser as feature_descriptions.json.

Time Inclusion

Illustration of all plottable times and their overlaps.


clearname description type level
groups feature
Branching BNB TREE DEPTH Depth of BNB Tree Depth of the created branch-and-bound tree. int expert
BNB TREE LEFT Number of BNB Tree Nodes Left Number of nodes in the branch-and-bound tree left to be explored after termination. int expert
BNB TREE NODES Number of BNB Tree Nodes Number of nodes created in the branch-and-bound tree. int standard
BR RULE CALLS GENERIC Branching Rule 'GENERIC' Calls Calls of the branching rule 'Vanderbeck Generic Branching'. int expert
BR RULE CALLS ORIG Branching Rule 'ORIG' Calls Calls of the branching rule 'Original Variable Branching'. int expert
BR RULE CALLS RELPSPROB Branching Rule 'RELPSPROB' Calls Calls of the branching rule 'generalized reliability pseudo cost probing branching' (or simply 'pseudo cost branching'). int expert
BR RULE CALLS RYANFOSTER Branching Rule 'RYANFOSTER' Time Calls of the branching rule 'Ryan-Foster Branching'. int expert
BR RULE TIME GENERIC Branching Rule 'GENERIC' Time Time used for the branching rule 'Vanderbeck Generic Branching'. float expert
BR RULE TIME ORIG Branching Rule 'ORIG' Time Time used for the branching rule 'Original Variable Branching'. float expert
BR RULE TIME RELPSPROB Branching Rule 'RELPSPROB' Time Time used for the branching rule 'generalized reliability pseudo cost probing branching' (or simply 'pseudo cost branching'). float expert
BR RULE TIME RYANFOSTER Branching Rule 'RYANFOSTER' Time Time used for the branching rule 'Ryan-Foster Branching'. float expert
ROOT NODE TIME Time in Root Node Time spent inside the root node. float expert
Constraints CONS KNAPSACK Number of Knapsack Constraints Number of constraints that represent a classical knapsack constraint. int expert
CONS LINEAR Number of Linear Constraints Number of linear constraints that could not be classified otherwise. int expert
CONS LOGICOR Number of Logical OR Constraints Number of constraints that represent a logical 'or'-relation. int expert
CONS SETPPC Number of Set Partitioning/Packing/Covering Constraints Number of constraints that represent set-packing, set-partitioning or set-covering constraints. int expert
CONS VARBOUND Number of Variable Bound Constraints Number of constraints that represent variable bounds. int expert
Cutting CUTS APPLIED MASTER Cuts Applied (Master Problem) Number of times cutting planes were applied in the master problem. int expert
CUTS APPLIED ORIG Cuts Applied (Original Problem) Number of times cutting planes were applied in the original problem. int expert
CUTS CALLS MASTER Cuts Calls (Master Problem) Number of times separators were called in the master problem. int expert
CUTS CALLS ORIG Cuts Calls (Original Problem) Number of times separators were called in the original problem. int expert
CUTS FOUND MASTER Cuts Found (Master Problem) Number of times separators found a cutting plane in the master problem. int expert
CUTS FOUND ORIG Cuts Found (Original Problem) Number of times separators found a cutting plane in the original problem. int expert
CUTS TIME MASTER Cuts Time (Master Problem) Time used for finding/applying cutting planes in the master problem. float expert
CUTS TIME ORIG Cuts Time (Original Problem) Time used for finding/applying cutting planes in the original problem. float expert
Detection DETECTION TIME Detection Time Time used for automatic detection of a problem structure. float expert
LINKING VARS Number of Linking Variables Number of linking variables that connect different blocks. float expert
MASTER NCONSS Number of Master Constraints The number of constraints in the master problem. int expert
MASTER NVARS Number of Master Variables The number of variables in the master problem. int expert
MASTER TIME Master Problem Time Total time used for solving the complete master problem. float expert
NBLOCKS Number of Blocks Number of blocks (pricing problems) in the decomposition. int expert
NBLOCKSAGGR Number of Aggregated Blocks Number of blocks that were aggregated (at max NBLOCKS). int expert
Heuristics HEUR CALLS MASTER Heuristics Calls (Master Problem) Number of times heuristics were called in the master problem. int expert
HEUR CALLS ORIG Heuristics Calls (Original Problem) Number of times heuristics were called in the original problem. int expert
HEUR FOUND MASTER Heuristics Found (Master Problem) Number of times heuristics found a solution in the master problem. int expert
HEUR FOUND ORIG Heuristics Found (Original Problem) Number of times heuristics found a solution in the original problem. int expert
HEUR TIME MASTER Heuristics Time (Master Problem) Time used for heuristics in the master problem. float expert
HEUR TIME ORIG Heuristics Time (Original Problem) Time used for heuristics in the original problem. float expert
Meta BEST SOLUTION TIME Best Solution Time Time until best solution was found. float expert
COPYING TIME Copying Time Time used for copying (e.g. from original to master problem). float expert
DEC FILE Decomposition File Decomposition file (e.g. .dec or .blk) with full path. string expert
DEGENERACY Degeneracy List of development of the degeneracy over time. float expert
DUAL BOUNDS Development of Dual Bounds List of development of the dual bounds over time. string expert
FIRST SOLUTION TIME First Solution Time Time until first solution was found. float expert
LP FILE Problem File Program file (e.g. .lp or .mps) with full path. string expert
PD INTEGRAL Primal-Dual Integral The average integral (the geometric 'space') between the primal and the dual bound ('avg. gap'). float expert
PRESOLVING TIME Presolving Time Time used for presolving of the problem. float expert
READING TIME Reading Time Time used for reading of the problem. float expert
SOLUTIONS FOUND Number of Solutions Found Number of solutions found. int expert
STATUS Solving Status Status after solving terminated. 0: unknown, 1: solved (optimal), 2: solved (infeasible), 3: time limit, 4: memory limit, 5: node limit. int standard
TOTAL TIME Total Time Time used for reading, presolving and solving, excluding copying. float standard
Pricing FARKAS TIME Farkas Time Time used for ensuring feasibility of the RMP. float expert
PRICING SOLVER TIME Pricing Solver Time Time used for pricing solvers (e.g. knapsack solver). float expert
PRICING SOLVER TYPE Pricing Solver Types Types of pricing solvers that ran on the problem. string expert
PRICING TIME Pricing Time Time used for the complete pricing process. float expert
Solving ORIGINAL LP CALLS Original Problem Calls Number of times the original problem was be solved. int expert
ORIGINAL LP ITERATIONS Original Problem Iterations Total number of iterations all solving runs of the original problem took. int expert
ORIGINAL LP TIME Original Problem Time Time used for solving the original problem. float expert
RMP LP CALLS Restricted Master Problem Calls Number of times the restricted master problem was be solved. int expert
RMP LP ITERATIONS Restricted Master Problem Iterations Total number of iterations all solving runs of the restricted master problem took. int expert
RMP LP TIME Restricted Master Problem Time Time used for solving the restricted master problem. float expert

Bounds Parser

The following arguments are contained inside a dataframe.

data type possible values fallback
iter integer \([0, \infty[\) -
pb float \(]-\infty, \infty[\) NaN
db float \(]-\infty, \infty[\) NaN
time float \([0, \infty[\) NaN
dualdiff float \(]-\infty, \infty[\) NaN
dualoptdiff float \(]-\infty, \infty[\) NaN
gap float \(]-\infty, \infty[\) NaN
nlpvars float \([0, \infty[\) NaN
nlpvars_cum float \([0, \infty[\) NaN
lpvars float \([0, 1]\) NaN
nipvars float \([0, \infty[\) NaN
nipvars_cum float \([0, \infty[\) NaN
ipvars float \([0, 1]\) NaN
time_count integer \([1, \infty[\) NaN
time_first integer \([0, \infty[\) NaN
time_diff float \([0, \infty[\) NaN
db_ma float \(]-\infty, \infty[\) NaN

Pricing Parser

The following arguments are contained inside a dataframe.

data type possible values fallback
incumbent_times float[] \(]-\infty, \infty[\) -
rootlpsol_times float[] \(]-\infty, \infty[\) -
info dictionary
pricing_data dictionary
root_bounds dictionary

Contents of the dictionary info:

data type possible values fallback
instance string "unknown"
settings string "unknown"
status string "unknown"

Contents of the dictionary pricing_data:

data type possible values fallback
node integer \([0, \infty[\) (empty)
pricing_round integer \([0, \infty[\) NaN
stab_round integer \([0, \infty[\) NaN
round integer \([0, \infty[\) NaN
pricing_prob integer \([0, \infty[\) NaN
time float \([0, \infty[\) NaN
nVars integer \([0, \infty[\) NaN
farkas bool \([0, 1]\) False

Contents of the dictionary root_bounds:

data type possible values fallback
iter integer \([0, \infty[\) -
pb float \(]-\infty, \infty[\) NaN
db float \(]-\infty, \infty[\) NaN
time float \([0, \infty[\) NaN
dualdiff float \(]-\infty, \infty[\) NaN
dualoptdiff float \(]-\infty, \infty[\) NaN