

Branch-and-Price & Column Generation for Everyone

Detailed Description

Public methods concerning the decomposition.

Data Structures

struct  Dec_Scores


file  class_detprobdata.h
 class storing partialdecs and the problem matrix
file  cons_decomp.h
 constraint handler for structure detection
file  decomp.h
 private methods for working with decomp structures
file  stat.h
 Prints information about the best decomposition.
file  struct_decomp.h
 structure information for decomposition information in GCG projects
file  type_decomp.h
 type definitions for decomposition information in GCG projects
file  type_scoretype.h
 type definition for score type
file  wrapper_partialdecomp.h
 Provides wrapping to have Partialdecomps as parameters in C-conform function headers with C++ implementations.