

Branch-and-Price & Column Generation for Everyone

Pricing Parameters

A list of all pricing parameters can be seen (and searched) when inserting set pricing into the search box on the page of The Interactive Menu.
If you want a more detailed description of the pricing parameter adjustment, please check the use case Tweaking the Detection.

Modifying Parameters of the GCG Pricing

We have around 2000 parameters for the pricing available, so it might be difficult to choose the right ones for your class of problems. In the following, some hints about good settings will be given.

Important Parameters

In this section, we present parameters that are worth trying to change in some problems. The results are based upon experiments we conducted.

Partial Pricing

In order to make GCG perform partial pricing only, please go into set pricing and then enter the masterpricer settings. There, you are able to

  • set the number of columns after which GCG stops solving the pricing problem (in reduced cost pricing), either in absolute terms (maxcolsprobredcost) or in relative terms (relmaxprobsredcost).
  • set the number of pricing problems that should be called, i.e. aborting the pricing round (in reduced cost pricing) after a specified number of columns generated (maxcolsroundredcost)
  • set the order in which pricing problems are called in every pricing round (sorting)

Change other Parameters of the Pricing

You can also modify other parameters of the pricing. You can set them by entering set and then pricing. In the following, we give a list of all parameters that can then be changed.

List of Pricing Parameters

A list of detection parameters can also be seen (and searched) when inserting set pricing or set pricingsolver into the search box on the page of The Interactive Menu.


abortfac pricing is aborted, if fac * pricing/maxvars pricing candidates were found [2.0]
delvars should variables created at the current node be deleted when the node is solved in case they are not present in the LP anymore? [FALSE]
delvarsroot should variables created at the root node be deleted when the root is solved in case they are not present in the LP anymore? [FALSE]
maxvars maximal number of variables priced in per pricing round [100]
maxvarsroot maximal number of priced variables at the root node [2000]


<advanced> advanced parameters
abortpricinggap gap between dual bound and RMP objective at which pricing is aborted [0.0]
abortpricingint should pricing be aborted due to integral objective function? [TRUE]
chunksize maximal number of pricing problems to be solved during one pricing loop [2147483647]
nroundscol number of previous pricing rounds for which the number of improving columns should be counted [15]
<colpool> parameters for <colpool>
agelimit age limit for columns in column pool? (-1 for no limit) [100]
<pricestore> parameters for <pricestore>
efficiacychoice choice to base efficiacy on [0]
mincolorth minimal orthogonality of columns to add [0.0]
objparalfac factor of objective parallelism in score function [0.0]
orthofac factor of orthogonalities in score function [0.0]
redcostfac factor of -redcost/norm in score function [1.0]
bigmartificial value for for big M objective of artificial variables (negative if max obj should be used) [1000.0]
disablecutoff should the cutoffbound be applied in master LP solving (0: on, 1:off, 2:auto)? [2]
dispinfos should additional informations concerning the pricing process be displayed? [FALSE]
eagerfreq frequency at which all pricingproblems should be solved (0 to disable) [10]
factorunreliable factor to use for objective of unbounded variables [1000.0]
heurpricingiters maximum number of heuristic pricing iterations per pricing call and problem [1]
maxcolsprobfarkas maximal number of columns per problem to be generated during Farkas pricing [10]
maxcolsprobredcost maximal number of columns per problem to be generated during red. cost pricing [10]
--> maximal number of columns per problem to be generated during red. cost pricing at root node [10]
maxcolsroundfarkas maximal number of columns per Farkas pricing round [10]
maxcolsroundredcost maximal number of columns per reduced cost pricing round [100]
--> maximal number of columns per reduced cost pricing round at root node [100]
maxheurdepth maximum depth at which heuristic pricing should be performed (-1 for infinity) [-1]
maxroundsredcost maximal number of pricing rounds per node after the root node [2147483647]
--> maximal number of successfully solved red. cost pricing problems until pricing loop is aborted [2147483647]
onlyreliablebigm only use maxobj for big M objective of artificial variables if it is reliable [TRUE]
relmaxprobsfarkas maximal percentage of Farkas pricing problems that are solved if variables have already been found [1.0]
relmaxprobsredcost maximal percentage of red. cost pricing problems that are solved if variables have already been found [1.0]
--> maximal percentage of red. cost pricing problems that are solved at root node if variables have already been found [1.0]
--> maximal percentage of successfully solved red. cost pricing problems until pricing loop is aborted [1.0]
sorting order by which the pricing problems should be sorted ('i'ndices, 'd'ual solutions of convexity constraints, 'r'eliability from previous rounds, reliability from the 'l'ast nroundscol rounds) [r]
stabilization should stabilization be performed? [TRUE]
stabilizationtree should stabilization be performed in the tree (in nodes other than the root node)? [FALSE]
threads how many threads should be used to concurrently solve the pricing problem (0 to guess threads by OpenMP) [0]
useartificialvars should artificial variables be used to make the RMP feasible (instead of applying Farkas pricing)? [FALSE]
usecolpool should the colpool be checked for negative redcost cols before solving the pricing problems? [TRUE]
usemaxobj use maxobj for big M objective of artificial variables [TRUE]

Pricing Solvers

<knapsack> parameters for <knapsack>
exactenabled flag to indicate whether exact solving method of solver <knapsack> is enabled [TRUE]
heurenabled flag to indicate whether heuristic solving method of solver <knapsack> is enabled [FALSE]
priority priority of solver <knapsack> [200]
<mip> parameters for <mip>
<advanced> advanced parameters
checksols should solutions of the pricing MIPs be checked for duplicity? [TRUE]
gaplimitfac factor by which to decrease gap limit for heuristic pricing (1.0: subtract start limit) [0.8]
nodelimitfac factor by which to increase node limit for heuristic pricing (1.0: add start limit) [1.0]
settingsfile settings file for pricing problems [-]
sollimitfac factor by which to increase solution limit for heuristic pricing (1.0: add start limit) [1.0]
stallnodelimitfac factor by which to increase stalling node limit for heuristic pricing (1.0: add start limit) [1.0]
startgaplimit start gap limit for heuristic pricing [0.2]
startnodelimit start node limit for heuristic pricing [1000]
startsollimit start solution limit for heuristic pricing [10]
startstallnodelimit start stalling node limit for heuristic pricing [100]
exactenabled flag to indicate whether exact solving method of solver <mip> is enabled [TRUE]
heurenabled flag to indicate whether heuristic solving method of solver <mip> is enabled [TRUE]
priority priority of solver <mip> [0]