

Branch-and-Price & Column Generation for Everyone

Settings for Reports

Using Report Settings

Giving a Report Settings File

In every case, the settings file, e.g. settings.vset, should simply look like this:

# GCG script settings file

Comments are possible.

Test Set Report Settings

General settings

For variables with boolean type, we require them to be set to either false or true. No capital letters or numbers are supported.

Variable Type Default Value Description
DRAFT Boolean false Draft mode (reduced report length)
REPORTDIR Path check/reports/report_<TEST>_<SET>_<TIME> Output folder for report
TREE Boolean true Plot toggle
TIME Boolean true Plot toggle
DETECTION Boolean true Plot toggle
BOUNDS Boolean true Plot toggle
PRICING Boolean true Plot toggle
TREEARGS String - Script arguments (see here)
TIMEARGS String - Script arguments (see here)
DETECTIONARGS String - Script arguments (see here)
BOUNDSARGS String - Script arguments (see here)
PRICINGARGS String - Script arguments (see here)
CUSTOMCLASSIFIER String nonzeros Classifier to plot detection visualizations for
CUSTOMDETECTOR String SetPartMaster Detector to plot detection visualizations for (currently not implemented)

Additional settings for manual execution

Parameters that only have to be defined when generating the report manually.
X: mandatory for all build systems
C: should be given (otherwise "unknown") when using CMake

Required Variable Type Description
C BINARY_ID File Name of your GCG Binary (e.g. gcg-3.1.0.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt.spx2).
C VERSION String GCG version to be printed on front page.
C LPS String LP solver used during your test run to be printed on front page.
C THREADS Number Threads used during your test run to be printed on front page.
C MODE String Test mode (e.g. readdec) to be printed on front page.
C FEASTOL String Feasibility tolerance setting (default: default) to be printed on front page.
C* LAST_STATISTICS Boolean Flag to indicate whether you compiled GCG with STATISTICS=true.
X OUTFILE File Path (absolute or relative to GCG root directory) to your out file.
X RESFILE File Path (absolute or relative to GCG root directory) to your res file.
X VBCFILES Folder Path (absolute or relative to GCG root directory) to your vbc files folder for this run.
TSTNAME String Name of your test set to be printed on front page.
SETNAME String Name of your settings to be printed on front page.
TIMELIMIT Number Time limit of your test run to be printed on front page.
MEMLIMIT Number Memory limit of your test run to be printed on front page.
NODELIMIT Number Node limit of your test run to be printed on front page.

*Set to true by default for CMake.

Comparison Report Settings

For variables with boolean type, we require them to be set to either false or true. No capital letters or numbers are supported.

General Settings

Variable Type Default Value Description
DATADIR Directory - Must be the directory including your .out and .res files (will be asked for if not given).
DRAFT Boolean false Draft mode (reduced report length)
REPORTDIR Path check/reports/report_<TEST>_<SET>_<TIME> Output folder for report
TABLE Boolean true Comparison Table toggle
PERFPROF Boolean true Plot toggle
GENERAL Boolean true Plot toggle
TIME Boolean true Plot toggle
DETECTION Boolean true Plot toggle
BOUNDS Boolean true Plot toggle
PERFPROFARGS Boolean - Script arguments (see here)
TIMEARGS String - Script arguments (see here)
DETECTIONARGS String - Script arguments (see here)
BOUNDSARGS String - Script arguments (see here)

Advanced Settings

Variable Type Default Value Description
MAXNINSTANCES_FRONTPAGE Integer 30 Max number of instances s.t. table printed on front page
MAXNINSTANCES_SECONDPAGE Integer 50 Max number of instances s.t. table printed on second page
CUSTOMCLASSIFIER String nonzeros Classifier to plot detection visualizations for
CUSTOMDETECTOR String SetPartMaster Detector to plot detection visualizations for (currently not implemented)
LAST_STATISTICS Boolean as compiled Flag indicating whether you compiled with STATISTICS flag (if false, no bounds visus will be generated)